West Wing is Under Construction

The Twisted Monk here,

I'm starting to work on the West Wing of my 19th Century Manor today, and wanted to let you guys know it's not going to be small. I'm thinking for the first floor rough layout something like: 13 rooms, a small Ballroom, and an open top Courtyard/Garden. For the Second floor rough layout: less "Sleeping" rooms, more with children play rooms, game rooms, Laboratory, Library, etc. Still working on the Basement, and Third floor for the entire Manor, and a Garden outside as well. If you have any thoughts, or ideas about the Third Floor leave me some feedback. It's about 30-40% so far, and working hard on it everyday. Creating that Truly Realistic Atmosphere and Feel from a Real World Environment into a 3D world, Solo... It's not that easy let me tell you. Also walking around in a 19th Century Manor "Alone" is Creepy in it's self, okay lets not get into that. I do have a Question for you guys to think about... Maybe let me know your answers.

Are you Scared more from:

The "Something" you know is there, but you just can't see it?

The "Something" you can see, but you just can't escape from?

Photo found in the Lower Guest House on the Manor Grounds.

The Twisted Monk


Just One Night -the Initiation- DX12 Installer
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The "Something" you know is there, but you just can't see it is scarier for me.
The power of ones' imagination creates the scariest things there are.

Thank You for answering with a Comment, you're the first. That's how I feel about the "Something" I can't see, the Imagination gets to run wild. That's the scariest for me too. Trying to find out what the majority of people think, so I can make some of the scariest events I can think of for my "Project".

 Thank You again.

I'm surprised many have not answered this.
That is going to be a very large game and take a lot of time for a solo

So far I'm 6 months in (Teaching myself the Programs as I go), and hoping to have it ready for Early Access by Halloween 2022. Fingers crossed. It is a lot of work for being a Solo Dev, and it's my First Time using the Unreal Engine. So far I'm happy with the results. I do wish people would give some feedback on my Demo, and tell me what they think. No biggie I guess. Hope you enjoy your day.

(2 edits)

Hey, we at Senscape are hosting a jam.
Unreal is the required engine.
We have some great classes; it is great for networking too.
Really would be beneficial for you.
Here is the link Senscape Adventurous Jam - itch.io

Thank You I'll look into that, I've never done a Game Jam. Sounds fun.